Sunset Plaza at Fraser & 48th Avenue will host two free community events in June 2024

Two Free Events Coming To Sunset Plaza in June!

Sunset on FraserEvents

Sunset on Fraser Business Association, along with South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, will be hosting two free community events in June 2024. On Saturday, June 15th 1:30pm-3:30pm there will be a Summer Art Jam! Join us for a relaxing afternoon of creating, painting, and snacking. All ages welcome. Also, on Saturday, June 29th 12:30pm-2:00pm come join us for Zumba! Let’s dance …

A John Oliver student tells the attendees all about her inspiration and what Diversity in Harmony means to her.

High School Murals Now Adorn Fraser Street

Sunset on FraserNews

On June 10th, an amazing event was held to celebrate and admire the hanging of 10 beautiful murals created by students from John Oliver High School and led by the Sunset on Fraser Business Association. The students chose the theme ‘Diversity in Harmony’ and it was attended by the student participants, school staff, our BIA board members, and many merchants. …

After months of hard work by the students, they are looking forward to unveiling to the community their beautiful creations on June 10th

The School Murals are Finished and Their Unveiling is Planned!

Sunset on FraserEvents

During the past five months, students at the John Oliver High School volunteered to participate in an after-school project of designing ten gorgeous murals under the hired instruction of Danvic Briones, a professional artist from the South Vancouver Neighbourhood House. The Murals will grace the school fence along Fraser Street. The community unveiling will take place at the corner of …