Mural Club participants from John Oliver High School stand by their art hung along Fraser Street school fence and are joined by artist and instructor Mara Cortez

Ten More High School Murals Hung Along Fraser Street!

Sunset on FraserNews

The Sunset on Fraser Business Association organized and led another year of the Mural Club at John Oliver High School. This program, which is funded and completely run by the BIA, invites students to join the after-school program and express and paint about a chosen theme on a 4’x4’ plywood canvas. This year’s theme was the environment. Ten more murals …

Volunteers from Prosper Health & Rehab give Sunset on Fraser BIA apples as service to the attendees

Vaisakhi Parade 2023 a Great Success on Fraser Street!

Sunset on FraserNews

The Sunset on Fraser Business Association participated in the Vancouver Vaisakhi celebrations after three years of COVID cancellations. It was a wonderful event on Saturday, April 15th filled with free food provided from tents by many businesses and families. The Sunset on Fraser BIA tent was positioned alongside Bains Travel tables and we were joined by several Fraser Street merchants …

The Vaisakhi parade is finally back after years off due to COVID and will take place Saturday, April 15th

Vaisakhi Parade is Back for 2023!

Sunset on FraserNews

The Sunset on Fraser Business Association is thrilled to participate in Khalsa Diwan Society Vaisakhi Parade 2023. Vaisakhi is the celebration of the Khalsa – the birth of the Sikh religion as a collective faith – which happened in 1699. On Saturday, April 15th the parade event will start at 9am at the Ross Street Temple and travel along Marine …

Our poster all around our community detailing the various activities being held under the cherry blossom tree on Saturday, March 25th

Sunset on Fraser Community Pop-up Event!

Sunset on FraserEvents, News

The Sunset on Fraser Business Association and the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival present a fun and interactive community event at a street closure at Fraser St & E 47th Ave! Come enjoy music and dance and participate in art and join an engaging historical tour of the area! More info: All of this takes place under the cherry blossom …

On February 11th Taco 'N Todo celebrated its grand opening at 6196 Fraser Street with great fanfare and lineups all evening long.

Taco ‘N Todo, Only Authentic Mexican Restaurant Opens On Fraser

Sunset on FraserNews

Sunset on Fraser Business Association is proud to welcome authentic Mexican food to the neighbourhood with Taco ‘N Todo celebrating its grand opening this past February 11th. You may have noticed the Taco ‘N Todo food truck parked outside serving street food for the past few months and around town since 2018. This is Taco ‘N Todo’s first brick and …

Opening ceremony at Scotiabank brought out our local politicians and community members as the ceremony was a full house and many shoppers joined in the parade

Lunar New Year Lion Dance and Parade 2023 on Fraser Street!

Sunset on FraserNews

The Sunset on Fraser Business Association held its annual Lunar New Year Lion Dance and Parade on Saturday, January 28th. The opening ceremony was hosted by Scotiabank and the lion dance team brought good luck to twenty participating businesses along Fraser Street. The parade went along the sidewalk on both the east and west sides of Fraser between 49th and …