The Sikh celebration known as Vaisakhi will see 350,000 people join the parade that comes along Fraser Street this April 13th, 2024

Vaisakhi Parade Coming to Fraser Street and South Vancouver

Sunset on FraserEvents, News

Sunset on Fraser Business Association will be participating in the Khalsa Diwan Society Vaisakhi Parade on Saturday, April 13th. Vaisakhi is the celebration of the Khalsa – the birth of the Sikh religion as a collective faith – which happened in 1699. We have many businesses from our association that will be having their tents and tables set along the parade route to give food and other free gifts of sharing. Most of our participating members will have their tents along Fraser Street from 49th Ave to 50th Ave. Come visit us! Enjoy the festivities and free food all along the parade route!