The Vaisakhi parade is finally back after years off due to COVID and will take place Saturday, April 15th

Vaisakhi Parade is Back for 2023!

Sunset on FraserNews

The Sunset on Fraser Business Association is thrilled to participate in Khalsa Diwan Society Vaisakhi Parade 2023. Vaisakhi is the celebration of the Khalsa – the birth of the Sikh religion as a collective faith – which happened in 1699. On Saturday, April 15th the parade event will start at 9am at the Ross Street Temple and travel along Marine Drive to Main Street. It will come north on Main Street and turn towards Fraser Street along 49th Avenue. At 49th & Fraser it will turn south and travel down Fraser Street and back to the temple. The Sunset on Fraser Business Association tent will be set up in front of Bains Travel along with many other businesses from Fraser Street. The whole intersection and Fraser Street will be full of participating businesses giving away free food and goodies to all that come to celebrate! Come enjoy the festivities with your neighbours and enjoy the well-wishes and offerings!